P.G. Diploma Family Medicine (Courses for Doctors)

Family medicine is a medical specialty that provides comprehensive and continuous healthcare for individuals of all ages. The PG Diploma in Family Medicine is a targeted program designed for healthcare practitioners eager to specialize in providing primary healthcare. The curriculum of the Family Medicine PG Diploma is thoughtfully structured to cover key medical disciplines. It includes in-depth modules on internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, and preventive healthcare. Graduates of the PG Diploma find themselves well-prepared for various career paths. Whether in clinics, hospitals, or community health centers, they can serve as primary care physicians, addressing a broad spectrum of medical conditions and ensuring continuous care for individuals and families.

Teaching Methods:
Server-based classes

Required Backgrounds:
MBBS / MD/MS/ DNB/ Equivalent

No application necessary – Enroll today


  1. Medical, Obstetric, Pediatric, including neonatal resuscitation, surgical and trauma.
    the world of healthcare, a range of medical specialties exists to provide specialized care for patients at different life stages and with various medical needs. This module offers an easy-to-understand guide to these vital medical specialties, including medical, obstetric, pediatric, neonatal resuscitation, surgical, and trauma care.
  2. Reproductive and sexual health problems including HIV, STD 
    Reproductive and sexual health is an integral part of overall well-being. This module aims to provide an easy-to-understand guide to reproductive and sexual health problems, focusing on HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). We’ll explore these issues, their prevention, and the importance of open communication with healthcare professionals.
  3. Common dermatological problems and investigations  
    Our skin, the body’s largest organ, often serves as a mirror to our overall health. Dermatological problems can range from minor irritations to chronic conditions, and timely investigations play a pivotal role in their diagnosis and treatment. In this easy-to-understand guide, we’ll explore some common dermatological problems and the investigations used to diagnose them.
  4. Behavioral and social sciences related to family medicine. 
    Family medicine is a medical specialty that emphasizes comprehensive and continuous healthcare for individuals and families. In this module of family medicine, we’ll explore the essential role of behavioral and social sciences in family medicine. These fields play a crucial role in understanding patients’ health and well-being and delivering holistic care.
  5. Occupational health.  
    Occupational health is a crucial aspect of our lives that often goes unnoticed until an issue arises. In this module, we’ll learn occupational health, what it entails, and why it’s essential for safeguarding the well-being of workers in various industries.
  6. And many more

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