P.G. Diploma Critical Care

PG Diploma Critical Care (Courses for Doctors)

A PG Diploma in Critical Care is 1-Year course,  postgraduate program that equips healthcare professionals with advanced knowledge and skills to provide excellent care in critical situations. This program is typically designed for individuals who have already completed a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine or Nursing.

Critical care involves the management of patients with severe, life-threatening illnesses or injuries. It’s a specialized field that demands a high level of expertise and quick decision-making. Critical care professionals work tirelessly to stabilize and treat patients in intensive care units (ICUs).


Teaching Methods:
Server-based classes

Required Backgrounds:
MBBS / MD/MS/ DNB/ Equivalent

No application necessary – Enroll today


  1. Resuscitation
    During this phase of PG Diploma in critical care, students will become proficient in resuscitation techniques, focusing on both Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Lectures will cover BLS and ACLS guidelines and procedures, chest compressions, airway management, and defibrillation. Practical exercises will include the simulation and practice of resuscitation scenarios, and real-life resuscitation case studies will be analyzed to enhance understanding.
  2. Applied Anatomy & Physiology
    In the second phase, medical students will dive into the applied anatomy and physiology of critically ill patients. They will explore the cardiopulmonary system, as well as renal and hepatic function in the context of critical care. Group discussions will revolve around case studies illustrating the intricate interplay between anatomy and physiology in critical conditions. A guest lecture from experienced practitioners will provide clinical insights.
    Phase three introduces students to the critical field of pharmacology in the context of critical care. They will study various drug classes and their mechanisms of action, as well as the safe administration and monitoring of drugs in high-stakes situations. Practical exercises include medication calculations and drug preparation, reinforcing the importance of accurate drug administration.
    During the fourth Phase, students will learn about the physical principles that underlie medical equipment used in critical care settings. Lectures will cover topics such as the physics behind medical devices and clinical measurement techniques. A laboratory session will provide hands-on experience with medical equipment, and a guest lecture will offer insights into the application of physics in critical care technology.
  5. Assessment
    The final phase of the module involves a comprehensive assessment to gauge students’ knowledge in resuscitation, anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, physics, and patient assessment. It will include a written exam and case presentations, where students will apply the knowledge and skills gained throughout the module to real-world cases. The module will conclude with an evaluation and feedback session to further refine the learning experience.
  6. And many more.

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