Internal Medicine is a rapidly evolving field with a wide range of courses and specializations, presenting numerous opportunities for individuals. Educational institutions have placed great emphasis on offering diverse courses within the extensive field of Medicine, and Internal Medicine stands out as a prominent option. Aspiring professionals seeking specialization in this field can pursue a prosperous future by enrolling in the Internal Medicine Fellowship courses offered by Delhi Medical Healthcare Academy. These Fellowship courses, which are approved by the USA Board, have a duration of one year.

Teaching Methods:
Server-based classes

Required Backgrounds:
MBBS / MD/MS/ DNB/ Equivalent

No application necessary – Enroll today


  1. Diagnostic Imaging in Internal Medicine 
    Imaging in Internal Medicine is a specialized program tailored for healthcare professionals, particularly internists, general practitioners, and medical practitioners, aiming to enhance their expertise in diagnostic imaging techniques as they apply to internal medicine. This comprehensive fellowship covers the principles and applications of various imaging modalities, including radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how these imaging techniques aid in diagnosing and managing a wide range of internal medicine conditions.
  2. Cardiovascular Collapse and Sudden Death
    Cardiovascular Collapse and Sudden Death is a specialized program designed for healthcare professionals, particularly emergency medicine physicians, cardiologists, and critical care specialists, seeking advanced training in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of patients facing sudden cardiac events and cardiovascular collapse. This fellowship focuses on understanding the complex mechanisms underlying cardiovascular collapse, sudden cardiac arrest, and sudden death. Participants will gain expertise in resuscitation techniques, advanced cardiac life support, and the use of cutting-edge technologies and treatments to improve patient outcomes. 
  3. Chest Pain
    The Fellowship in Chest Pain is a specialized program designed for healthcare professionals, particularly emergency medicine physicians, cardiologists, and internists, aiming to advance their expertise in the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of patients presenting with chest pain. This fellowship focuses on the comprehensive assessment of chest pain, including the differentiation between cardiac and non-cardiac causes. Participants will learn to use state-of-the-art diagnostic tools, risk assessment strategies, and evidence-based interventions for timely and accurate care.  Through a combination of didactic education, clinical experience, and exposure to a diverse patient population, participants will develop the skills and knowledge required to provide high-quality care to patients experiencing chest pain. This program equips healthcare professionals with the expertise to make precise diagnoses, initiate appropriate treatments, and ultimately enhance patient outcomes and the quality of care in chest pain management.
  4. Red Blood Cell Disorders
    The Fellowship in Red Blood Cell Disorders is a specialized program designed for healthcare professionals, particularly hematologists, pediatricians, and internists, seeking advanced training in the diagnosis and management of conditions affecting red blood cells. This comprehensive fellowship covers a wide range of topics, including anemia, hemoglobinopathies, and other disorders of red blood cell production and function. Participants will delve into the intricacies of these conditions, their underlying mechanisms, and advanced diagnostic and treatment approaches.
  5. Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
    Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases is a specialized program designed for healthcare professionals, particularly infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and internists, aiming to advance their expertise in the diagnosis and management of infectious diseases. This comprehensive fellowship covers a wide range of topics, including the identification of pathogens, interpretation of laboratory tests, and the application of advanced diagnostic methods such as molecular diagnostics and serological assays. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of infectious diseases, their epidemiology, and the latest advancements in diagnostic technologies.
  6. And many more

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